Comiket 90 – Review

Another pointless “what albums will I listen to” post. Well, I’m going to list a few albums that I haven’t seen listed anywhere, so, especially if you’re a metal music fan, it’s for you, dear 😉

Also, sorries for the lack of activity lately, I’ll be in Rome until 14th. I’m going to post some pics on my Twitter, so if you’re interested, be sure to check that out.

Not every circle released XFD’s yet, so the post will be updated as time goes by.

1) 凋叶棕 (Diao ye zong) – 夢utsutsubig

This time the theme is dreams. The albums is cut into the 2 parts – Bad and Sweet dreams. I like the Bad dream side slightly better, but – it’s not like you believed the Sweet part will be that innocent, right? So far, I like it better than kakage, hisoka and motome.
Favorite tracks: バッド・ドリームズ, enemy of the society, 301

2) Adust Rain – EViL DANCE MUSIC!!

I’ve became a huge fan of Adust Rain lately. This album consist of remixes of the previous tracks. All of the remixes are EDM remixes, there’s also two new tracks and a cover of a song from other circle, also done in the metal-edm style, if I can call it this way. Actually, I was really surprised Adust Rain chose this theme, nevertheless, I like the turn they did.
Favorite tracks: Joker’s Party Anthem, CLOWNxCLOWN

Crossfade / Crossfade

…how am I even supposed to spell the first title?…
Anyway, the first album is a vocal-remake of the album called A SATELLITE IN THE 2ND OUTER SPACE. PLEIADES is a full itori-vocal album. I have a really hard time picking a fav from this 2. I’m really happy with both, especially because itori is my fav ZYTOKINE vocalist, very close to Nana Takahashi (or cold kiss, however you prefer).
Favorite tracks: NEXT ONE, 7days travelers
Favorite tracks: Celaeno, Alcyone, Pleione

4) FELT – Parallel Cross

This time, the first track isn’t arranged by NAGI, but by MZC! I was quite surprised to see that, but it seems it’s not that bad of an idea after all. And I seem to like Vivienne more and more with each song, ahah.

…also, damn, that cover is great. The position Reisen is in reminds me a bit of the first Rebirth Story cover art.
Favorite tracks: Allie, Faith, Free to Believe

5) CLOCKWORKS TRACER – Perish in Polaritia

Totally not expecting that. Anyways, what can I say – this album is simply GREAT.
Favorite tracks: Grim Redeemer, -The Deviation-, Perish In Polarity

6) Yonder Voice – 奏穹のラプソディア

This time I like tracks not sung by Yaoshan. It’s a bit worse in general than Sen no Yukari, still, keeps the quality.
Favorite tracks: Cerise Night, 夏越, 玻璃の揺籠

7) 死際サテライト – 橙愛布教委員会公式賛歌 其ノ参

It’s… decent. Not the same as it was with Merami and Chikage(♥), but decent.
Favorite tracks: Orange Cat

8) Pizuya’s Cell – タイムパラドクシアの迷宮

Pizuya back with this damn Jazz ♥ Futoumeido’s voice sounds wonderful as always, we’ve even got R(rrrrrr)anko!
Favorite tracks: 駆ケ落チ、タイムエスケープ, 時計の針、吐息と重なり, ノスタルジックロマンスアドベンチャー

9) 豚乙女 – FREAKS

There’s two things about this album – positive is that FINALLY we’ve got planet of Paprika arranges ♥ negative is that it’s a Hifuu album (expected a 4th Shoujo Rengoku album ;w;).
Also, this album should have a disclamer: Best to hear at night ♥
Favorite tracks: 『不思議の月の冒険譚』, 『いつかの未来よさようなら』, 『薔薇と心眼』

10) AdamKadmon – リリィフォレスト

So far, it’s pretty hard to say anytihng about those albums. AK hasn’t released any XFD, just a few tracks – ケイオス-chaos-Deep forest 【メリー】 ~ 闇のスピードでPoisonous Paradox, 百合は、刹那く、散りゆく涙.So far my favorite from them is Deep Forest.

Oh, btw, it seems we’ve already got lyrics for Poisonous Paradox.

11) EastNewSound – TragicalGarnet

Nayuta is back in ENS!! Pretty decent album in general, loving the cover art ♥♥
Favorite tracks: 崩壊の日, 一度だけの今日, 滲色血界、月狂ノ獄

12) 発熱巫女〜ず – “Everything but the Girl” Hatsunetsumiko’s Dance Vocal Collection Vol.2

Liked that slightly more than the previous one. Who knows, I may even like Tim Vegas voice in the end! :’)

13) Alstroemeria Records – ENGAGED DANCEHALL

Alstroemeria goes worse and worse since the POP CULTURE 4. Haruka isn’t writing lyrics anymore, tracks aren’t really catchy. Well, it seems we won’t see the old alst anymore.

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